Understanding the Top 5 Basement Waterproofing Methods
One of the best ways to prevent your home from water damage is basement waterproofing. There are different methods used to waterproof the basement. It is important to waterproof your basement to avoid basement flooding and costly repairs and water damage restoration. To understand the top five basement waterproofing methods, read more.
1. Interior Waterproofing
The basement is waterproofed from the inside, especially if the basement has already been flooded. The method is very common to prevent water seepage into the home. It is common knowledge that basements are exposed to water and can leak. However, interior waterproofing prevents water from pouring or seeping into the basement right from the inside.
2. Exterior Waterproofing
Exterior basement waterproofing is very expensive as it involves digging out the foundation of the house while the exterior walls of the basement are waterproofed. The best time to carry out exterior waterproofing is when the house is being built. Meanwhile, the exterior basement waterproofing can be compromised after some time due to exposure to a large volume of water or moisture.
3. Installation of a Floor Drain
A drain can be installed to remove standing water from the basement. This method is very easy to install. It may not be a true basement waterproofing method; however, it helps remove water from the basement. Unfortunately, a floor drain may be overwhelmed when a large volume of water leaks into the basement beyond what it can handle. A sump pump can be installed in a floor drain to remove standing water in the basement.
4. French Drain
The French drain is an old method of waterproofing the basement. It is also referred to as an exterior drain. It involves creating and filling a trench with rocks and a pipe. Holes are usually created on the pipe to allow water to pass through it. It helps remove standing water from the basement and from the foundation of the home. It is best suited for handling basement flooding and ground-level water.
5. Sloping the Ground Away from the Home
Another basement waterproofing method is sloping the ground around the basement away from the home. Over time, the ground around the house settles and may create problems as water may flow toward the home. However, this method helps direct water away from the basement. It involves digging the basement out. It is an affordable method that when done correctly will help keep the foundation free from flooding.
The methods above are the top five basement waterproofing methods used to protect the basement and home against flooding and water seepage. The methods may be combined to get the best result possible. However, ensure to hire an expert for waterproofing your basement.